We are conducting 15 one-day urban riparian and stream restoration trainings in and around large urban centers such as Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio. A three-day advanced urban riparian and stream restoration training will be held in Dallas.
Training materials will help attendees
- understand urban stream functions,
- understand impacts of development on urban streams,
- recognize healthy versus degraded stream systems,
- assess and classify a stream using the Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI), and
- comprehend differences between natural and traditional restoration techniques.
A variety of topics will be explained through class-room style teach in the morning session including
- the hydrologic cycle,
- basics to stream morphology,
- stream classification,
- stream instability,
- stream restoration,
- stabilization structure,
- vegetation and monitoring and
The afternoon will be spent performing hands-on activities in the field at a nearby stream to learn surveying and monitoring techniques. Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the training.
Course Outline
- Hydrologic cycle
- Introduction to stream morphology
- Bankfull discharge
- Stability
- Channel measurements
- Stream classification
- Stream instability
- Stream restoration
- Stabilization structures
- Vegetation
- Monitoring and evaluation